My Birthday & Day Seven of My Birthday Week

I had a wonderful day yesterday, on my birthday. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and likes of my book and reading and healing quotes.

I went out to lunch. Had cake. Had a great time with some kid relatives part of the day. And was taken out for a dinner meal as well. When I got home I stood in front of my bed and face planted. It took me a while and a tussle to get out of my clothes and then I slept until 1:30 am. It took me a while to fully wake up enough to really fully get ready for bed again, ha, I was just too wore out to really do it. Finally I woke up enough to get ready for bedtime and turn out the lights. I slept for over ten more hours.

So today was just a recovery day, but a really nice day in my birthday week as well. I did a small amount of cleaning and then there were some dishes yelling to be cleaned, so that felt good to get that organized. I found the honeydew melon at the back of my fridge this noon, and was so excited that I got to have that as a wonderful snack. I love honeydew melon. Tonight I made turkey sandwiches with melted cheese on top, and it really made my tummy happy. I love that feeling.

I’ve had a wonderful birthday week, and since tomorrow is an add on day to extend my birthday week, it’s not over with!   🙂 I’m looking forward to more.

I have lots more to share from my birthday and a few photos as well. I will try to do that tomorrow as I am excited to share about my wonderful day. Hopefully I will have the energy tomorrow to focus on what I want to say, to write it, and post it.


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