Mother’s Day

I hate Mother’s Day. It has never been a good day for me. It has always been a triggering day for me. Considering the mother that I had, I don’t see how it could be any different. When your own mother is your sexual abuser, Mother’s Day is a loaded and negative day, one that keeps on giving.

Mother-Daughter Sexual Abuse Resources

I want this year to be different. I want to set myself on the road on this day that I want to walk in my effort of healing from mother-daughter sexual abuse. I want to make things better for myself. I want to heal. I want to honor mothering in the world; in me, in others, in the world, from the earth.

Today I honor my ancestors, whom I came from, and without them I would not exist. I honor all the women who bore all the children of the world. I honor all the good mothers. I honor all the women who mother others and/or themselves. I honor all the men who mother others and/or themselves. I honor all the children who mother others. I honor all the animals and creatures in the world who mother others. I honor all the pets who mother us all. I honor nature who mothers and sustains us. The honor the Great Mother Earth who mothers us all. I honor me and all the mothering that I/we give to one another in our system and all the mothering that we lovingly give to others. Today I honor us all!

Good and healing thoughts to us all.

11 thoughts on “Mother’s Day

  1. Nicely said, Kate! There is a belief in Buddhism that says everyone is your mother (has been at some point through reincarnation). I’m uncertain about whether I find that idea comforting or distressing! lol I like how you mentioned all the various ways we can ‘be’ a mother. Non-human animals are often better mothers than we humans 😛


    • Hi Natalya,

      I’m not sure if I find that comforting at all, lol, a little disturbing. One thing that I do find comforting is the work I did in genealogy, looking into my ancestral lines. I found that I was related to the Queen of England and through her many of the royal families of Europe, including the Roman Caesars. I read that the Queen was related to over a million people on earth right now. Thinking about that, that we are all descended from some of the same ancestral lines and thinking of my other ancestral lines I was able to really take in and realize that we are really related to so many others genetically. I read somewhere during my college education that genetically everyone who has a European ancestor is descended from six! only six females. That connection is very profound for me.

      I take a great deal of comfort from mothering by animals. 🙂 It is very helpful and can be very healing to me.

      Good and healing thoughts to you.



      • Hi Kate,
        Wow that’s cool! I had no idea about those geneaology facts. That’s neat how you’re descended from the Queen of England’s family. The thought we’re only from six females if we’re of European descent is also fascinating. I had no idea. Maybe that’s where the phrase “six degrees of separation” came from!


      • Hi Natalya,

        Once the scientists were able to map a person’s dna we started to discover tons of new things and there is a branch that does a person’s dna and can tell you where you’re ancestors are from. I would like to do that, but since I already know that I am from all over Europe and Canada, well it would probably just say lots of those places, but it would still be nice to see it all written out, if I ever was in a position of being able to afford the test. There is a show on PBS that does that with celebrities and I find it pretty interesting to watch.

        Good and healing thoughts to you.



    • You’re welcome. And thank you for being here and commenting. That helps me. I hope to see you around the blog world in the near future. Good and healing thoughts to you.



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