
Woke up in the middle of the night, all dizzy and nauseous, unable to sit up well. Knew it right away, I have an inner ear infection. There were signs of it coming along, but those signs are similar to other issues so I don’t really know until I start getting dizzy and nauseous.

I had been having headaches, but sometime the other medication I was taking over the weekend gives me headaches. Not sleeping well or enough the last five days or so. I had been forgetting obvious things, mind a little more distracted than usual. I knew that I was not well. Yesterday I woke up with my left ear hurting, but that can happen if my pillow slips out from me or isn’t plumped up enough before going to sleep. I was feeling more pain, but injured my knee a few days ago. Sometimes figuring stuff out is a hard thing, except when the dizziness comes I know what has been going on all along.

Taking it easy. Took some anti-motion sickness medication in the middle of the night and thank goodness for that. I slept as much as possible. I used some lavender essential oil on a cotton ball with some hydrogen peroxide and rubbed it around my ear and throat.  I gargled with hydrogen peroxide, that always helps. I used the peppermint essential oil to do my five breaths exercise. It is good when my stomach is upset, which is something that can happen when I get an ear infection.

I’m going to use some diluted tea tree essential oil on my throat and by both ears. Both oils are great for dealing with infections.

I will try to do some more self-care and comforting things today. I really need to look over some of the grounding and comforting articles I have listed on my Resources page and start making a list of my own. I’ll try to do some of that today, cause I need some good ideas that I don’t have to think of on my own. I’ll post about how that all goes.

Paths of Healing 1

Essential Oils:


What is Aromatherapy

Essential Oil Safety Information

Essential Oils Guide

Essential Oils Guide: Aromatherapy Essential Oils

What Are Carrier Oils?

Aromatic Blending

Therapeutic Blending

Aromatherapy and Oil Diffusers

Aromatherapy for Emotional Well-Being

Aromatherapy and Insomnia

Essential Oils for the Mind

Essential Oils for the Body

Essential Oils for Spirituality (Includes Suggestions of Oils for Grounding, Cleansing, Gratitude, Grief)

Meditating With Essential Oils

Praying With Essential Oils

Essential Oils to Cleanse, Purify, and Combat Negativity



Native American Smudging Rituals


The International Center for Reiki

What is Reiki?

How Does Reiki Heal?

Reiki and the Healing Drum

Distant Healing and Human Etheric Field

Reiki and the Shadow Self

Crystals and Stones:

Crystals and Gemstones (Including a Listing of Uses)

Crystal Dictionary of Metaphysical Meanings

Animal Totems/Guides:

Animal Totems

How to Find Your Animal Totem

Finding Your Totem Animal

Discovering Your Animal Totems

Introduction to Animal Guides

Spirit Guides:

How to Meet Your Spirit Guides


Why is Drumming Healing?

The Physical and Emotional Effects of Drumming

Spirit of Drummers: Drummers Speak on Drumming

What is a Drum Jouney?

What is a Community Drum Circle?


Mudras: Meditation in Your Hands


Finding Relationship to Rhythm

Dancing to a Different Drum

An Interview with Gabrielle Roth

Mine is a Dancing Path (Interview with Gabrielle Roth)

The 5 Rythyms Video by Gabrielle Roth